Tuesday, December 30, 2008

This Sunday- January 4 08

This Sunday night we are going to be having a night of thanksgiving worship- thankgiving for who God is and what He has been doing in our lives and our community over the past year.

As part of our worship we are going to have opportunity to share stories of thanksgiving for where you have seen God work, so take some time to reflect on what you might like to share.
Also, because it is the first Sunday of the month we will have time for healing prayer and our caring and sharing offering.

Finally, January 11 we will be having a communion potluck, so mark it in your calendar

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Website

Hey friends:
Just wanted to say sorry that the website has not been its up-to-date self of late. I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things in the New Year.

Merry Christmas!
Your friendly web admin guy

Christmas Eve

Please note: the Multi-Purpose Room is downstairs in the church.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Regal Family Tree | Advent 2008

Original photo by: Lukáš Patkaň

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


This Saturday, a group of us are helping some youth who live in the Willowtree apartments clean and paint their resource rooms. We need as many hands as possible!

Details are on the practical needs community board here
- call or reply on the board to let us know if you can make it.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Communion Potluck- This Sunday Nov 9th

This Sunday at TILT we are having our TILT communion potluck! As usual we are meeting at 6:30pm downstairs in the multipurpose room.

We don't assign food by name or anything like that, so if you are able to bring anything, please do. However, if you don't have time/money/whatever to prepare anything, don't worry about it! We always make extra and often those who need to take food home, we send some with them.

If you are able to come a bit earlier that evening to help set up (5:30pm onwards), that'd be great. If not, just come hungry :)

If you haven't been at a communion potluck before, a little background...the early Christian church celebrated communion over an entire meal, rather than just as part of a worship gathering. So, that is what we are doing at TILT - framing a meal together through the celebration of communion, so that the entire meal is communion.

Everyone is welcome -see you then!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Call to Fast

This past Sunday we shared how we'd like to fast this week on behalf of Debbie. She is currently homeless and, particularly as the weather becomes increasing colder, we wanted to take the time to intentionally bring her before God as a community and pray for her housing situation.

We're beginning the fast tomorrow (Wed. October 29th). It can be a one day fast (or whatever you are comfortable with) from food. For those who would be fasting from something else that may not be significant over a mere 24 hour period (eg. television, facebook), an idea is to begin tomorrow and go through until Sunday. Then Sunday night, as part of our prayer time, we'll take time to pray for Debbie together.

Even if you aren't able to fast this week, please join with us in prayer through the day on Wednesday as we lift our friend up to God.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Light of the World Dec 14 2008 | YOUR HELP IS NEEDED!

As many of you know, each year we have an evening called "Light of the World"- on December 14 this year - it's a fun evening of singing funky Christmas songs arranged by Greg (K). There are amazing desserts. It's an event that you can bring any and all of your friends to. Check out last year's invitation here and story here.

For the past couple of years, we have read Christmas stories from Stuart McLean with accompanying visuals. This year, we'd like to write our own story...of YOUR STORIES. We're going to do a compilation of short stories that you send us. A small disclaimer: We won't necessarily be able to use all of the stories we receive and we'll have to edit them (in part) to fit in the script, flow and time of the evening.

So, we would love to hear some of your humourous, fun, bizarre, sorrowful, significant or meaningful Christmas stories. It might be about shopping, crazy meals, hilarious gifts, weird parties, good family times...whatever comes to mind that you want to share. Of course, we'll keep the stories as anonymous as you'd like. Please send them to this email address!! We need your stories by November 16th...

If you have any questions email Scott at scottgmoore [at] mac [dot] com or Matt at fattamatta [at] yahoo [dot] com.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Prayer from Sunday Night

Our focus on Sunday Night was on Celtic Spirituality and specifically the Celtic Prayer of Protection, known as Lorica Prayer. There are many of them. Find the one from our prayer time under the daily.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Spiritual Habit Resources

As you know, the TILT website has resources you can use for fostering spiritual habits in your life.

Check them out on Urban Monks.

What is an urban monk? Find out here.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Thank you, TILT'ers!

Good morning everyone...a few thank yous are in order...

(1) Thanks to everyone who was able to come on Wednesday night to Kate and Scott's. We hope you had a blast!

(2) Thanks to Jeremy and Tracy's small group for hosting the night and making so much great food.

(3) Read a heartfelt thank you from Mark and Naomi here.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Series Image | Rublev's Icon

As Scott mentioned on Sunday night, under the daily, there is a full explanation about the icon we are using are part of our set up for our series on Spiritual habits. Check it all out here.

And you can find the Divine Offices Calendar here.

Friday, September 19, 2008

TILT Social | This Wednesday!!

This Wednesday, September 24 at 7:00 pm will be having a relaxing evening at Scott & Kate's house, at 58 Stuart Avenue. Just bring yourself! We'll have some light food, a couple of games and good conversation.

GST Event!

Yes, this Sunday is Spring Garden's Good, Services and Talents event. Things will get rolling around 11:15 or so.

Read and view the catalogue to understand what it's all about.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What's Goin' On | September 2

School's IN! For most of us this is the start of a new year...We hope and pray you have a wonderful first week to the 'new' year.

As always, monthly resources for prayer, meditation, reflection are in the urban monks blog here.

Pray for one another using the community boards here.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Communion BBQ on Sunday

Sunday is BBQ Communion - in other words, we'll be sharing a meal over the grill and communion as a community. Hopefully we will be outside. We'll provide meat and buns, and if you can bring a salad, dessert or beverages, that would be superb. If not, don't worry about it and just come! If you have specific preferences meat-wise, feel free to bring your own.

See you Sunday!

Photo by: Tom Franke

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Looking for Accomodation...

A friend of Mark and Naomi's, Nardeen, is looking for a room to rent!! Please see a few more details on the community boards here.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Saturday, August 9, 2008

This Sunday | Psalms of Confession

Photo by: Dan Shirley
Background by: Ali Farid

Monday, August 4, 2008

Psalms Stuff

Here is last night's video on the TILT art blog.

If you missed Scott's story last week, read it here. Write your own Psalm 73 using this as a guide.

If you write anything during our Psalms series, we'd love to be able to put a book together to make the "TILT Psalter". Don't worry, we won't publish names or anything. We would love to have something as an expression of our prayers as a community.

Photo by: Dan Shirley

Friday, August 1, 2008

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Friday, July 25, 2008

This Sunday | Psalms of Wisdom

Owl illustration: Kelly McNutt, http://kellymcnutt.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Moose Deer '08

Read the latest here! (including Day Four update)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Moose Deer '08 | Day ONE Report

The Moose Deer Day Camp has begun! Follow their journey all week on the urban monks blog here. And check out the pictures.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Divine Offices | Praying through the Psalms

As we are journeying through the Psalms, we thought it would be cool for as many people as possible to pray through the Psalms for the next six weeks. As you hopefully know, we have the Divine Offices set up online - which consists of 8 readings a day, 7 of them Psalms. In the span of a month, you will read through all the Psalms, one bit at a time.

Check out the Divine offices online here. OR, print them out for the month here.

Moose Deer | Update Monday Morning

Good morning!

We have awoken to a torrential downpour. The Moose Deer team has headed off and we are unsure of plans from here. Pray for the rain to stop, and for the team to stay encouraged and upbeat!

Photo by: Dan Shirley

Check out the video from last year:

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


We don't want to serve an empty bowl for snacks on Sunday night...
If you are willing and able to provide some food, of any nature, on Sunday night, please sign-up. We need someone for THIS Sunday! You can use the community boards here to sign-up by replying to the thread.

Photo by: Marcelo Gerpe

Jonah Teaching

If you missed any of the teachings on Jonah, they are all up on the web now on the teaching blog here.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Get Involved in the Building Campaign!!!

As you hopefully know from our recent annual ministry meeting, Spring Garden Church is undertaking a building campaign to improve our facilities in order to better connect and engage with our neighbouring community. If you want some information: Read the latest newsletter here. View the latest PowerPoint about the building plans.

We are putting together a 'coupon book' full of services that we will sell to one another, with the proceeds going to the building. Babysitting, painting a portrait, washing a car, renting a cottage, cooking a gourmet meal, going for a motorcycle ride, fitness lesson...anything! What are you good at? What do you enjoy doing? Submit your idea to tilt.toronto@gmail.com along with a suggested value and we'll add you to the book. Also, if it's a service, note how many times you'd be willing to do it (so you're not babysitting every night for the next three years, etc.).

Photo by: Tory Byrne

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Monthly Resources

Sorry they are late, but you can find this month's resources on the urban monks blog here.

IDEAS NIGHT | Building Campaign

It's your opportunity to lend your creativity to the building campaign...

Plan on attending the Building Campaign Ideas Night on July 8th @ 7:30 in the lounge.

This evening will be an opportunity to brainstorm together how we can move forward in planning and raising funds for the building campaign.

Photo by: Daniel Wildman

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Mark began his teaching by calling himself just some guy at TILT, apparently he's just some guy who likes to look at God's word. Listen here

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Annual Meeting + TILT Communion Potluck = Family Time

Spring Garden Church's (that includes TILT!) annual ministry meeting will be THIS SUNDAY at 5:00 pm in the Multipurpose Room (where we usually have our potluck dinners). The evening will include a discussion on building plans - if you don't know anything about this, now's the time to find out!! Although you have to be a member to vote, a significant part of the meeting is discussion and everyone is welcomed and encouraged to participate in the discussion.

After the meeting at 6:30, we will have our TILT communion potluck! We don't assign food by name or anything like that, so if you are able to bring anything, please do. However, if you don't have time/money/whatever to prepare anything, don't worry about it! We always make extra and often those who need to take food home, we send some with them!!

If you haven't been at a communion potluck before, a little background...the early Christian church celebrated communion over an entire meal, rather than just as part of a worship gathering. So, that is what we are doing at TILT - framing a meal together through the celebration of communion, so that the entire meal is communion.

Monday, June 16, 2008

we began a (shorter) journey into the story of Jonah last night. Listen to the teaching here.

The Wrap-up of Acts is up and on-line, listen to it here

The Series has begun...

Original photo by: Glenn McAnanama

CAT Team Opportunity | July Service Project

Refresh 2008 is an exciting event co-sponsored by Toronto City Housing Corporation CHU 18 and Emmanuel Church of the Nazarene. Volunteers will work together with residents of the Sheppard-Yatescastle Community to paint the inside and landscape the outside of each unit. At the same time CHU 18 Maintenance workers will be on site to bring the maintenance of each unit up to date.
The purposed of the program is more than painting, landscaping and repairing the units of the Sheppard-Yatescastle residences.
It is about working together. It is about strengthening the community. It is about doing something to make the world a better place.
Come join the team of volunteers who will make Refresh Festival 2008 a success.

What: We would love to send a team from Spring Garden/TILT to join in this amazing project and to learn how we might be able to serve in the housing communities in our neighbourhood.
When: July 6-9, 2008
How: email tilt (dot) toronto (at) gmail (dot) com if you are interested!

Monday, June 9, 2008

The Continuing Story | Acts Video

Check out Sunday's video of Acts: the Continuing Story on TILTart.
Haven't checked out any videos lately?
Remember our series of the Kingdom of God? On the Incarnation? On Abraham's Covenant? Good times at Light of the World? Check out all of the videos on the website.

The Daily

If you haven't been around the TILT website much, or even if you have, you may not have explored it in all of its profundity and depth (a small joke). One such area is 'the daily'. What is the daily?

Well...If you want to bike like Lance Armstrong, or score like Sydney Crosby, or paint like Vincent Van Gogh, or write like Margaret Atwood, you’d probably do a lot of training, and practice over and over, right? Yet, most of us who want to live like Jesus Christ of Nazareth do none of the things he practiced in his life, or any of the things any great leaders of “the Way” have practiced over the last 2000 years. In his letter to Timothy, Paul writes, “train yourself to be godly”. Enter “The Daily”. Continue reading here.

If you come to our times of gathering, you'll know that we spend a part of each evening together in silent meditation, often using ancient Christian practices. Our hope is that these will become of a part of your daily life, just like eating cereal for breakfast (or whatever else you might eat). So, check out the daily and let us know if you find yourself aware of God's presence in new and exciting (or old and normal) ways.

Photo Source: http://www.virtualcities.com/ons/0rec/10/10cereal.jpg

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Last Chance! Children's Med Supplies

As you hopefully know, Aindrea Kiss is heading to Uganda and would absolutely love to take a truckload of children's medical supplies there with her. This can be anything: children's tylenol, bandaids, multi-vitamins, anything that will help kids. Please drop them off at the church or bring them to TILT. If you have any questions, email tilt (dot) toronto (at) gmail (dot) com.

Map source: saveamillion.org

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Acts | The Grand Finale

Ladies and Gentlemen, the moment you hopefully haven't all been waiting for...
Also, since it is the first Sunday of the month:
(1) We receive the caring and sharing offering - all of this money goes towards helping people in our community (and people you know that are in need). If you ever have a need or know of someone in need, please let anyone in leadership know. You can always bring non-perishable food items to fill our food cupboard as well.
(2) We have an intentional time of prayer for healing during the gathering.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Urban Monk Stuff

Follow along in Barb's summer journey out west - check it out in the urban monks blog.

Need some Scripture to read? Want to spend time in silence and prayer? Use the resources we have online - check them out too.

Why did we name a blog "urban monks" anyway? Find out here.

Please keep praying for one another using the community boards here. Keep them up to date!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

See you at TILT gathering tonight!

Original photo by: Denise Docherty

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Practical Helps | Mark & Naomi are moving!

Mark and Naomi need your help next Saturday, May 17th. Just for a lil' while.
Read about it on the forum.
And then reply there.
Here's what Mark's saying:
Okay... just so you know:

We had a bit of a service elevator conflict, so the time of the move has changed.
I now have the UHaul truck from 2PM Saturday until Sunday. Not that the move will go until Sunday, I just have the truch till then. The move has to be done by 8PM as per the service elevator schedule. It starts at 2, and we can be a bit more relaxed.
No 8AM crack of dawn move! Woo hoo! See you at 2!
I guess the "move lunch" will now be a "move supper", and Naomi's mom is bringing a trough of hememade chili.

Photo by: The Constant Craftsman

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Global Day of Prayer | May 11 | This SUNDAY!

Hi Everyone - Sunday is the global day of prayer. Check out details on their website here: www.gdoptoronto.com/.

If you are interested in joining a prayer meeting, here are some options:
Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship @ 3:00 p.m.
272 Attwell Drive, Toronto

Walmer Road Baptist Church @ 3:00 p.m.
188 Lowther Avenue, Toronto

The Peoples Church @ 3:30 p.m.
374 Sheppard Avenue E., Toronto

ClearView Christian Reformed Church @ 6:30 p.m.
2300 Sheridan Garden Drive, Oakville

Canada Christian College @ 6:00 p.m.
50 Gervais Drive, Toronto

The Embassy of the Kingdom of God @ 6:00 p.m.
416 Taunton Road West, Oshawa

Free Admission—Freewill Offering

Friday, May 2, 2008

Bulletin Board | This Sunday

Just a reminder that this Sunday is the first Sunday of the month. So what?!
Two things:
(1) We receive the caring and sharing offering - all of this money goes towards helping people in our community (and people you know that are in need). If you ever have a need or know of someone in need, please let anyone in leadership know. You can always bring non-perishable food items to fill our food cupboard as well.
(2) We have an intentional time of prayer for healing during the gathering.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Benefit Concert put on by one of our own...TONIGHT! TONIGHT!

When: Thursday, May 1 at 7:00 pm
Where: Yonge & Eglinton, Club 6 Degrees
More info: click on image above or email extinguish (dot) benefit (at) gmail (dot) com

May's Devotional Resources

It's a miracle!! This month's resources are out on the 1st of the month.

They are on the urban monks blog as always.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Praying for one another

We continue to encourage you to make use of online resources for prayer. There are two main ways to do that:

The Community Boards
Either click on the image to the left for the most recent posts, or use the drop-down menu at the top of this page to go specifically to the prayer forum.

The Prayer Map
Some of this is outdated, so please send your updates to tilt (DOT) toronto (AT) gmail (DOT) com.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Teaching Update!

Go to the teaching blog for the some catch up!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Community Action Team Survey...finally!

I promised I would have it up this week...so here it is...
How do you love to serve people?
Are you interested in serving the community around Spring Garden Church?

If yes: Click Here to take a SHORT survey.
(Note, this is about 1/30th the length of the TILT town hall survey.)

Monday, April 14, 2008

Praying through the week...

Check out the urban monks blog for the latest about prayer as a TILT community - for one another, our community, our city and beyond.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Easter Stories

Our stories from Easter are now up on the Urban Monks blog! Peter shared a story from his hockey-playing days and Jeremy of Christ's transforming his life.

Listen to them here.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Stay tuned, I'll be updating the teachings throughout the week. Check back here.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Monday, March 31, 2008

Need to catch up!!

I apologize for not yet posting Monica's teaching (TRUST! Not frenzy...), and the Easter Resurrection Stories...they will be coming shortly.

Check out an Easter meditation Matt wrote in the daily.
Also, learn more about breath prayer, which we did last night, also in the daily.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Stations of the Cross | Some More Art

The artwork from two more of the stations from last week:

Station Three
Station Four
Both at the same time

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Stations of the Cross | Stations 1 & 7

Check out the videos that were played in the sanctuary on Sunday night as the first and last stations!

Station One
Station Seven
Both at the same time

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Making things easy...

So, if you are short on time and want to quickly scan any of the latest forum posts, especially regarding prayer, simply click on the image below "RECENT FORUM POSTS" on the sidebar on the right. It will give you the latest postings on all the forums. If you want to spend a little time praying, just check out the prayer forum.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Moose Deer '08 | July 20 - 26

As we have been announcing for a couple of weeks...in a big answer to prayer, it looks like we have the opportunity to establish a long-term connection with our friends at the Moose Deer Point Native Reserve. This summer, we'll be doing another week-long summer day camp from July 20-26. If you want to read about our experience last summer, check out these postings here. Or talk to Scott M, Becki L, Lindz, Greg K, Bill H, Barb E, or Jen-Mai at TILT!!

If you are interested, talk to Bill H or email him at billhall [at] springgardenchurch [dot] ca.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Updates! Updates!

Hey everyone. So, the last couple of teachings are now up on the TILT Teaching blog. Of course, you can listen to them through the TILT podcast too!

March's devotional resources are also up!! We continue to desire for us to journey through Scripture together and this is one way to do it...check it out here.

Please continue to use the new community boards for all of their uses. Unfortunately, for them to be free, the ads have to be there, so just don't look at the top of the page!! If you want to see the latest postings, check out the sidebar at the right and click on the image under "recent forum posts".

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Devotional Stuff...

Sorry for not yet having this month's devotional stuff up. We are awaiting the reconnecting of the Spring Garden server to the outside world!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

What's Goin' On | February 26

Thanks to everyone for such a wonderful TILT Communion Potluck and baby dedications on Sunday night. What an amazing way to worship God together. I will post pictures as soon as possible.

Hopefully you have been checking out the TILT community boards. There are all sorts of things you can do there. To see the latest posts in all of the forums, simply click on the image under "Recent Forum Posts" on the right sidebar. For a tutorial on the forums, check out the proboards website here.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Bulleting Board | SUPER Sunday!

For our gathering on Sunday, we're having our approximately bi-monthly communion potluck where we receive and celebrate communion together over a meal. So, we'll be downstairs in the Multi-Purpose Room instead of up in the sanctuary. 6:30 pm per usual!

We don't assign food by name or anything like that, so if you are able to bring anything, please do. However, if you don't have time/money/whatever to prepare anything, don't worry about it! We always make extra and often those who need to take food home, we send some with them!!

If you haven't been at a communion potluck before, a little background...the early Christian church celebrated communion over an entire meal, rather than just as part of a worship gathering. So, that is what we are doing at TILT - framing a meal together through the celebration of communion, so that the entire meal is communion.

While we are eating, we will be dedicating our three "e" TILT children!! Bill and Shelby will be dedicating GraciE, Mon and Greg ChloE, and Jay and Michelle RyliE. This is an important part of being a community as we all commit to supporting these families in raising their children in the love and grace of God and His Body.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Mission Expo '08

This weekend, from February 22-24, there is a major mission event happening at Yorkminster Baptist Church. There is a speaker from Argentina, workshops, exhibits, tours, etc. all for $35 or less depending on what you register for. Click on the image to see more!

Friday, February 15, 2008

The Season of Lent

The season of lent is upon us! We've created a forum where we can share our journeys to the cross - talking about what we have given up, perhaps why, what that is breaking us free from and how we are drawing closer to God through it.
Check out the forum here.

Typically, the Sabbath day is a day 'off' from whatever you are fasting from throughout Lent. If you consider Sunday your Sabbath, we would love to provide whatever you are fasting from! For example, if you are fasting from chocolate for Lent, it would be great to have chocolate for snacks at TILT for your Sabbath enjoyment! So, add a thread on the forum or let us know at TILT!

Cartoon copyright: http://www.cartoonchurch.com/blog/images/ash-wednesday.gif

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Gene's teaching

Sorry for the tardinesss! Listen to Gene's teaching here.

And don't forget the new way to pray!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Meeting Tonight!

Despite the weather, the meeting tonight will go on...just a reminder...6:45 prayer and 7:30 meeting about the revised budget. Hopefully some of you can make it, although understandable if not.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Our Stories

We try as much as possible to include stories from people within TILT about what is happening in their lives - you can find them on the Urban Monks blog tagged as "story". Read Jan D'Angelo's latest update about her adventures with LAUNCH.

It would be awesome to hear from everyone about the stories of their lives - from amazing stories like Becki's on Sunday night, to an interesting conversation at work, to a thought-provoking reading of Scripture, to a great windsurf (that's for you Nick!) - whatever it is! Share in one another's journeys...

Thursday, February 7, 2008

A new way to pray!! (Online at least)

Introducing the official launch of the TILT boards! I will post a full teaching explanation later day, but for now, please use the TILT community boards!!

You will see on the drop-down menu the addition of "community boards" at the top right. Click on that and it will take you to the general forum (with all of them listed). Prayer is the forum through which we can pray for one another, our city and our world. Practical helps is a way for us to build an inventory of what we as a community have to 'offer' - what skills do you have ? can you build a house? a website? paint? Put it up! Practical needs is where you can post anything you need help with! (See this one - nanny needed!). General is where you can talk about anything. Others will soon be added.

You can reply to an existing thread (such as this one on praying for Kenya), or start your own!!
Note: we considered making the prayer forum password protected or members only due to the concern of privacy that was raised in the TILT town hall meeting. However, we've decided to leave it open - we feel that the board is separate from the site and less public that previously posting on the blog. We also value the ability for ANYone to post on this, even if they are outside of TILT - this has happened a couple of times. I will moderate everything still, of course. As well, you can adjust the content of your prayer request to make it suitable for this kind of forum, so that you are comfortable with what you post. Hope that makes sense!

It's been a while...

Sorry for the long lack of updates! Here is the latest:
:. Scott's teaching from Sunday night from Acts 17:33-46 (it includes the video as well).
:. This month's resources (sorry for the tardiness).

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Gone all week...

Hello friends,

I, your faithful blog poster, am gone for the week, so take the time to explore corners of this site you haven't yet! Read about breath prayer and other fun things under the daily. Pray for one another on urban monks and use the prayer map. Check out some art. And of course, enjoy the new drop down menus (above)!! There is a world to explore in here folks!!!

We are also in the process of constructing the TILT community boards - more of a space for dialoguing. The skeleton is up with a few more additions necessary. We'll keep you posted for when it's a go. You can get a sneak preview at tilttoronto.proboards60.com.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Urgent! Help needed on Sunday

Sarah P posted a comment on the prayer posting here. Given its importance, I figured I would put it right up here (hope that's ok, Sarah!). Sarah said:

Was wondering if anybody is free this coming Sunday after church...
We're having a bin delivered to my mum's house so that we can get rid of a lot of her junk (she's moving from a house to an apartment so there is a lot to get rid of!) The thing is, much of it is big and heavy, so my little mother and I can't move it all on our own. I was therefore wondering if we could gather a whole crew of people to fill the bin. If that's possible, it should only take an hour or so. We'll meet at mum's around 2:00 on Sunday. Anybody up for that? If so, please email me at sarah_parke (AT) yahoo.ca and I'll send you the address.
Thank you thank you thank you in advance.

Bulletin | Baptism Sunday Morning!

Just to let you know, Michelle Willson is being baptized on Sunday morning at Spring Garden.  She was a part of the team that went up to Moose Deer Point this summer.  The gathering starts at 10 am if you're interested/able!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Calling All TILT! | Stemming from Sunday

As we met as a leadership team on Tuesday, two 'actionable' things emerged from Sunday night pretty clearly. (1) The idea of creating a team to connect us with the wider team was well received. (2) People desired to help out on Sunday nights as actively as possible. So, here goes...

Community Team: (I hesitate to use the word mission team, because everything we do as TILT should be mission, from snacks before gathering, to our music, prayer, to our work in the community) Our hope is create a team of 4ish people that would act as mobilizers and connectors to the community around the Spring Garden Church building (and, probably to a lesser extent, the communities in which we are scattered about). The team wouldn't necessarily create opportunities out of nothing, but would assess the community, see what organizations and people are already doing, see what Spring Garden as a whole is already resourced to do, and of course, pray through the ministry to which God has called TILT in this local community. Regularity, time and length of meetings would depend upon the members of the team. This team would also liaison regularly with the leadership team. We already know of a couple of people who are interested, but if you are interested in being a part of such a team, please email tilt.toronto {at} gmail.com.

Gathering Involvement: As you may know, we gather every Sunday night to worship God corporately. This requires lots of participation and help from the community as a whole - a lot of which happens already. Thank you! But we felt we heard on Sunday night a more earnest desire to continue to be involved. We, as a leadership team, have admittedly found that sometimes it takes more time and effort to delegate over doing everything ourselves. However, we are firmly committed to living as a community, not a top-down hierarchy. So, if you have previously expressed interest in helping out in various areas, we'll probably be contacting you soon! But if you are interested in helping out on Sunday nights, please email tilt.toronto {at} gmail.com. Areas where we need help:

  • Kids - coordinated by Michelle. We recognize this is hard because they come inconsistently, but we still need two people very week just in case (thank you Kate for looking after the kids on Sunday night!);
  • PowerPoint - it's fun up in the balcony!
  • Clean-up - coordinated by Becki L, but always looking for regular helpers
  • Set-up - coordinated by Naomi and Kate, but always looking for regular helpers
  • Snack - Les still puts out the sign-up sheet regularly, so just sign up as desired!
  • Leading in the gathering
I think that's it. Please email if you have any questions or concerns. Have a great day!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

TILT Town Hall | Thanks & Re-cap

As a TILT leadership team, we wanted to thank everyone as a whole for the attitude we brought to the meeting on Sunday night. We feel affirmed and assisted by the conversation. (Editor's Note: Dearest Bill says, "Don't be so nice!!" Direct all criticism to him...kidding. ) As always, this wasn't a one-off opportunity for everyone to have a voice. We desire to be led as an entire community by God, not just 'the leadership team' declaring a 'vision' from above. Again, thanks for a healthy and positive evening! Continue to pray through the things we discussed and don't hesitate to contact TILT leadership at any time (tilt.toronto {at} gmail.com).

I have posted the notes from the dialogue online. Read the notes here. Also, there was many questions we weren't able to answer on Sunday night. Over the course of the next several weeks, we will answer them at the end of the gathering.

I will post more later about some areas where we are implementing things discussed on Sunday night!