Friday, April 27, 2007

Our Stories

We are always looking for people to share their stories with the TILT community - it doesn't have to be anything stunningly remarkable! Just glimpses into one another's lives and seeing how God is moving among us as a community. Check out Diana's story here. If you don't know Diana, she is often graciously putting together coffee and the snack table before we gather on Sunday evenings.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Weekly Resources & Writing

Sorry this is a bit late:
Here are the weekly resources for the week - Scripture, song and prayer.

Have you checked out some of the writing of TILTers? Read it and post your thoughts!!

And throughout the week, post your reflections/thoughts/prayers here under Community Life & Prayer.

Monday, April 23, 2007

The Latest | April 23

Sorry for a slow update week last week...Just a couple of additions this morning.
Greg's teaching is linked here.
As always, community and prayer is here (to read what people post - click on "COMMENTS" at the bottom of the post, unless they are already visible!). Please share your reflections, heart for prayer and anything else as we journey together as a TILT community.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

This Sunday | A Challenge from Small(er) Blog

Sunday is "Earth Day". The folks at small(er) blog are challenging us to consider alternative methods of transportation (alternative to single person vehicles that is) for getting to the worship gathering this Sunday - check it out: "I'm going to carpool, bus, walk or bike to church on April 22nd". If you are interested in connecting with other people for transportation on Sunday, post comments here!

Bill's Teaching

Unfortunately we lost the audio to Bill's teaching. But, if you can decipher his notes here, kudos to you.

Monday, April 16, 2007

The Plague of "Busy"

Yann Martel, Canadian author of "Life of Pi", made some interesting remarks about busy-ness in the Globe on Saturday. Read them here. What is a Christian response to busyness?

What's Goin' On | April 16

Last night, we had a meal by the beach...figuratively only unfortunately. Although the Daniels' fire pit made it as authentic as could be!! It was all harkening back to Jesus cooking fish and having bread with the disciples after his resurrection (see John 21). For four weeks, we will be dwelling and living in this passage.

First of all, a relatively urgent community need...pass the word along: Becki Lee is seeking a new room mate to share a spacious 2 bedroom apartment on Bloor St. between Bathurst and Spadina. Preferably a fun and easy going Christian female. Very short walking distance to subway. $600/month plus hydro. Available May 1st.

The usual suspects are posted:
Community Life & Prayer - as always, post your prayer needs!
Resources for the week - opportunities to dwell in God's written Word, worship His Incarnate Word (Jesus)
The Daily @ TILT entry for Praying with Icons - we did this for the first time on Sunday. Thoughts?

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Sunday Sampler | John 21

At TILT, we try to follow [loosely] the church calendar, which is essentially an annual calendar centered around the major celebrations, events and dates in the church year. (Read here for a very detailed and Catholic perspective on the calendar year.) As the Church, we now enter four weeks of Easter where we celebrate, contemplate and live out the Resurrection of Jesus.

We are doing something somewhat unique (not totally unique because the idea is from another church Greg read about)...for four weeks, we will be going through John 21, specifically verses 15 to the end (read it here). This is the story after Jesus' resurrection where he asks Peter three times if he loves him...Four people will teach from this same passage as we seek to hear God's living Word and what it means for TILT as a community.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The latest and the greatest...

I forgot to post images from last week's Journey with Jesus. They are now up under TILT art!
Also, Sunday's image is there too.

Haven't been able to see where people have been posting stuff? There are lots of areas from prayer over the weeks where we can continue to pray for people. Check out these:

Monday, April 9, 2007

What's Goin' On | April 9

A little later than usual, but your weekly (or more) update per usual...
We'd still love to hear your thoughts on subversive social justice and how TILT can be a community of justice. Comment on the linked post!

For this week - for the Scriptures we used as part of our Easter celebration, check out the post under teaching. Comment if you have any reflections from the evening - how did simply speaking the written Word impact you or reveal God to you?

Your weekly resources for contemplation/devotion/meditation/worship as always can be found on the urban monks blog. We continue to affirm our belief that a community rooted in reading the written Word together and praying together will hear from God and be moved by Him!

On that note, post any prayer requests, celebrations and life journeys on this week's community life and prayer post. Pray through how we can be a community of the resurrection this week, bringing hope to our communities.

Are you still struggling with this whole blog thing? Email TILT or read this post again.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Subversive Social Justice | Thoughts?

An interesting campaign has been begun by an OCAD student to subversively raise awareness about the plea of those without homes in Toronto. It may be short-lived as the signs are taken down by government officials. Get more info from James Kingsley's post or read the article in the Toronto Star.

What do you think of the signs? How are we as the TILT community, the Church in Toronto to respond? Where's the balance between raising awareness and helping to end the cycle of poverty? How can we do both?

Monday, April 2, 2007

What's Goin' On | April 2

Still working on getting everything up here, but while we are at it...
Check out the handout/booklet from last night's Journey with Jesus - a pilgrimage of sorts through the last events of Jesus' life, in life with the tradition of the Stations of the Cross (click on the link for an entry from the Catholic Encyclopedia).
Also, you can download the image from last night under TILT art.

Here are the rest of the updates from Sunday Night. Community Life and Prayer. Weekly Resources for Scripture reading, reflection, meditation and worship.