Thursday, June 19, 2008

Annual Meeting + TILT Communion Potluck = Family Time

Spring Garden Church's (that includes TILT!) annual ministry meeting will be THIS SUNDAY at 5:00 pm in the Multipurpose Room (where we usually have our potluck dinners). The evening will include a discussion on building plans - if you don't know anything about this, now's the time to find out!! Although you have to be a member to vote, a significant part of the meeting is discussion and everyone is welcomed and encouraged to participate in the discussion.

After the meeting at 6:30, we will have our TILT communion potluck! We don't assign food by name or anything like that, so if you are able to bring anything, please do. However, if you don't have time/money/whatever to prepare anything, don't worry about it! We always make extra and often those who need to take food home, we send some with them!!

If you haven't been at a communion potluck before, a little background...the early Christian church celebrated communion over an entire meal, rather than just as part of a worship gathering. So, that is what we are doing at TILT - framing a meal together through the celebration of communion, so that the entire meal is communion.

Monday, June 16, 2008

we began a (shorter) journey into the story of Jonah last night. Listen to the teaching here.

The Wrap-up of Acts is up and on-line, listen to it here

The Series has begun...

Original photo by: Glenn McAnanama

CAT Team Opportunity | July Service Project

Refresh 2008 is an exciting event co-sponsored by Toronto City Housing Corporation CHU 18 and Emmanuel Church of the Nazarene. Volunteers will work together with residents of the Sheppard-Yatescastle Community to paint the inside and landscape the outside of each unit. At the same time CHU 18 Maintenance workers will be on site to bring the maintenance of each unit up to date.
The purposed of the program is more than painting, landscaping and repairing the units of the Sheppard-Yatescastle residences.
It is about working together. It is about strengthening the community. It is about doing something to make the world a better place.
Come join the team of volunteers who will make Refresh Festival 2008 a success.

What: We would love to send a team from Spring Garden/TILT to join in this amazing project and to learn how we might be able to serve in the housing communities in our neighbourhood.
When: July 6-9, 2008
How: email tilt (dot) toronto (at) gmail (dot) com if you are interested!

Monday, June 9, 2008

The Continuing Story | Acts Video

Check out Sunday's video of Acts: the Continuing Story on TILTart.
Haven't checked out any videos lately?
Remember our series of the Kingdom of God? On the Incarnation? On Abraham's Covenant? Good times at Light of the World? Check out all of the videos on the website.

The Daily

If you haven't been around the TILT website much, or even if you have, you may not have explored it in all of its profundity and depth (a small joke). One such area is 'the daily'. What is the daily?

Well...If you want to bike like Lance Armstrong, or score like Sydney Crosby, or paint like Vincent Van Gogh, or write like Margaret Atwood, you’d probably do a lot of training, and practice over and over, right? Yet, most of us who want to live like Jesus Christ of Nazareth do none of the things he practiced in his life, or any of the things any great leaders of “the Way” have practiced over the last 2000 years. In his letter to Timothy, Paul writes, “train yourself to be godly”. Enter “The Daily”. Continue reading here.

If you come to our times of gathering, you'll know that we spend a part of each evening together in silent meditation, often using ancient Christian practices. Our hope is that these will become of a part of your daily life, just like eating cereal for breakfast (or whatever else you might eat). So, check out the daily and let us know if you find yourself aware of God's presence in new and exciting (or old and normal) ways.

Photo Source:

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Last Chance! Children's Med Supplies

As you hopefully know, Aindrea Kiss is heading to Uganda and would absolutely love to take a truckload of children's medical supplies there with her. This can be anything: children's tylenol, bandaids, multi-vitamins, anything that will help kids. Please drop them off at the church or bring them to TILT. If you have any questions, email tilt (dot) toronto (at) gmail (dot) com.

Map source:

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Acts | The Grand Finale

Ladies and Gentlemen, the moment you hopefully haven't all been waiting for...
Also, since it is the first Sunday of the month:
(1) We receive the caring and sharing offering - all of this money goes towards helping people in our community (and people you know that are in need). If you ever have a need or know of someone in need, please let anyone in leadership know. You can always bring non-perishable food items to fill our food cupboard as well.
(2) We have an intentional time of prayer for healing during the gathering.