Saturday, December 29, 2007


A new day dawns, and so the TILT website features a new...feature. As you hopefully know, this blog enables us to share prayer requests with one another by adding comments to prayer posts. If you don't know this, read this post. But, if you're anything like me, sometimes those prayer comments get lost in the shuffle of newer posts, etc. Well, fear not! We have a solution.

Check it out! You'll notice in the sidebar of the main TILT blog and the urban monks blog a section entitled "Recent Prayer Comments" - this shows the latest comments on the prayer posting for quick viewing. Simply click on the name of the person commenting, and this will take you to the post. Hope it helps! Let me know if it does by commenting or emailing tilt.toronto (AT)

The widget is sponsored by:

Latest teachings finally up!

Sorry for the lengthy delay - Gene's and Jay's teachings are finally posted on the teaching blog.
Listen to Gene here.
Listen to Jay here.

If you haven't already, subscribe to the TILT teaching podcast!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Tonight! Advent Stations!

Tonight we'll be doing stations around the Christmas story and specifically the various elements of the nativity scene. For a sneak peek, check it out.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Story from Light of the World

If you weren't able to be at Light of the World, check out the video of "Dave Cooks the Turkey" by Stuart McLean, read by Matthew Adams. It's a comic book take on one of McLean's classic short stories. Watch the video here. Read about Stuart here.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

TILT Dialogue | Still a chance!

So, yes, we had a "deadline" for handing in the TILT Dialogue forms. However, the reality is that I won't be compiling them until after Christmas for discussion in the new year. SO, if you haven't yet filled one out, go for it. Read more about the whole thing here. Thanks for all the forms we have already received! Email them back to scottgmoore {at}

Monday, December 17, 2007

'Vocation' Potluck

From the Vocation blog:

The Thursday night small group is hosting a Potluck for those of us who are "no-longer children, and not yet too old to have fun"! Bring your favorite food or drink to Scott and Kate Moore's house (58 Stuart Ave) at 7:00 PM on Thursday, Dec 20th. Bring games, bring friends, bring a turkey, bring rum & eggnog, whatever floats your boat! Drop in anytime, as you are. Email any questions to jeremy.unrau (at)

What's Goin' On | December 17

First off, a big thank you to everyone who helped out at Light of the World last night. Although the weather certainly didn't cooperate, we still had a blast. Thanks to Rod and Les for coordinating all the food and set-up and for making it an awesome spread. Thanks to everyone for bringing food (most creative: Lisa!!). Thanks to Andrew, Michelle and Nick for helping set-up (and Nick for snowblowing). Thank you to Martin, Bob and Arlene for greeting. Thanks to Colin for sound (as always). Thanks to Erin for holding doors. Thanks to the band for a night of amazing music and to Greg for his incredible arrangements. And of course to our in-house 'Stuart McLean', Mr. Matthew Adams. Thank you to Cheryl for being so kind-spirited after receiving a full blowing of snow in the face. And of course, thanks to everyone who came in the midst of a winter wonderland. If I've forgotten anyone who helped out, my apologies - let me know and I'll add it in!

We have found some new web space, so the last couple of sermons will be posted SOON!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Light of the World is ON! ON! ON!

The official and final update: We're ON!!

Light of the World will happen tonight at 6:30. Enjoy the winter wonderland for the day and come finish it off with some singing, Charlie Brown, Stuart McLean and of course an incredible spread put on by Dr. Daniels.
Drive safe!

Photo: Hannah Boettcher

Light of the World Tonight! It's Snowing! A Lot!

Well, the weather outside is indeed frightful, or wonderful, depending on your perspective.  We'll keep you posted throughout the day and what's happening...Light of the World is tonight - so hopefully the snow will ease up and people will be able to drive safely!

Sorry for the lack of posts and no teaching podcast - we are currently out of webspace, but are working on getting some more.  For free, that is.

Enjoy the snow!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Light of the World | December 16th

What's Going' On | Dec. 11

Good morning! Here's what's new:
:. Prayer for the week is posted. Please add your own requests and also note all the prayers from Sunday night! (And would still love to add people to the prayer map...)
:. Devotional resources have been updated and uploaded for the whole month (let me know if you prefer the whole month at once or weekly)

Thursday, December 6, 2007

TILT Dialogue | By Sunday!

It's been a long day at the office, or in the come home and that lengthy TILT Dialogue form is still sitting on your desk/kitchen counter. Grrrrr....we know it's long, so don't feel like you have to fill out the ENTIRE form. Just block out a bit of time to answer the questions you feel most passionate about and go from there...Read here for more details.

We would appreciate having all the forms in by Sunday so we can compile people's responses, pray through it all and figure out how to proceed from here!

Monday, December 3, 2007

What's Goin' On | December 3

Good morning! Here are the latest updates:
:. Resources for Dec. 1 - 15 (sorry they're late). These are resources for our collective devotional life. Journeying through Scripture together and with the church worldwide. For advent, check these out.
:. Community life and prayer - continue praying through the newspapers of our city!
:. Light of the World is coming! Invite your friends. Matt Adams will be returning with a Stuart McLean special.
:. TILT Dialogue - they are trickling in! If you could please fill them out by Sunday, December 9, that would be fantastic. Click on the link for more details. That way, we can compile the input for a town-hall meeting in January.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Light of the World

If you want a better link to invite people to the upcoming Light of the World, send them to:

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Weekly Postings

Resources for this week - continued from last week's posting here.
This week's prayer posting is also here on the urban monks blog. Post anything we can pray for on this posting - in your own life, your friends, this city, this country and beyond.

Advent Devotionals

Myrna Frost, a long-time and beloved member of Spring Garden, has written daily devotions for the season of Advent. They begin on Sunday, December 2. Check it out here. Here's what the Spring Garden site says about Advent and the devotionals:

The tradition of marking the seasons of the church year first began as the desire to celebrate every aspect of Christ’s life. The early Christian Church celebrated the birth of Christ in mid-winter to mark the coming of His Light into the world and subsequently established the period called “Advent” (Latin for Arrival) in order to prepare for the Christmas season. In writing these short Advent Devotionals, it is our desire that each day we may set aside a few moments to consider with intentionality, our role in creating community. We have endeavored to use simple language in the hope that these daily readings can be enjoyed by the whole family.
Each week will have a different focus:
Week One
December 2-December 8
Creating Community in our Church
Week Two
December 9-December 15
Creating Community at School or in the Workplace
Week Three
December 16-December 22
Creating Community in the Neighbourhood
Week Four
December 23-December 24
Creating Community in the Family
Painting by Roger Hutchison

Monday, November 26, 2007

Poverty in Toronto | On CBC Radio

CBC's Metro Morning, hosted by Andy Barrie, is doing a week of morning shows on poverty in Toronto. Some interesting interviews this morning about the working poor and pay day loans. Metro Morning's website is here - read each clip, or go to the five day archive.

Photo copyright: CBC

Friday, November 23, 2007

Bulletin Board | Sunday: Communion Potluck

For our gathering on Sunday, we're having our approximately bi-monthly communion potluck where we receive and celebrate communion together over a meal. So, we'll be downstairs in the Multi-Purpose Room instead of up in the sanctuary. 6:30 pm per usual!

We don't assign food by name or anything like that, so if you are able to bring anything, please do. However, if you don't have time/money/whatever to prepare anything, don't worry about it! We always make extra and often those who need to take food home, we send some with them!!

If you haven't been at a communion potluck before, a little background...the early Christian church celebrated communion over an entire meal, rather than just as part of a worship gathering. So, that is what we are doing at TILT - framing a meal together through the celebration of communion, so that the entire meal is communion.

See you Sunday! Everyone's welcome.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

What's Goin' On | November 22

Sorry for the late posting...
:. Check out this new prayer from Cheryl on the daily.
:. Listen to Gene's teaching on the teaching blog.
:. Participate in the resources for devotion on urban monks.
:. Keep praying with the prayer map.
:. Please participate in the TILT dialogue!
:. And invite your friends to Light of the World - it's a grand time!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

TILT Dialogue

The TILT community has been meeting weekly for two years. It has flown by! We’ve
journeyed through the Stations of the Cross, explored the mysteries of the Incarnation
and looked into the glory of God’s Kingdom. We’ve prayed for one another, our city
and our world. We’ve shared stories, struggle, joys and our art. We’ve spent a week at a Native Reserve, loving kids. But many questions persist surrounding this community. It’s time for an honest look at ourselves and to earnestly seek God’s will for us. It is our hope that this is the beginning of a conversation—between one another and God—about TILT. We are starting this conversation with a series of questions. It is our hope that we can hear everyone's voice in this - whether you've been to TILT once and never returned, or you've come every week for the past two years. The 'questionnaire' (for lack of a better word) can be found here. Fill it out and bring it to TILT, or scan it and send to tilt.toronto {at} If you'd like an interactive form in which you input the data and email it back, email tilt.toronto {at} (this is preferable for collecting data too).

Sorry for tardiness...

Resources for the week: here.
Community Prayer - check out the prayer map.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Teaching from Sunday Night

Scott's teaching from last night is posted on the teaching blog here. Of course, you can subscribe to the TILT Teaching podcast and listen to it there.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Prayer Points

Pray for someone and their local community today:

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Did you know?

Virtually all of the photographs and images used during our worship gatherings are taken by people from the TILT community. We are always looking to use new photos. If you have any you would like to share, just email tilt.toronto {at} Another concept we are working on is integrating images from our every day lives. What do you see every day? How is that linked to your life, worshiping God and proclaiming Jesus? We'd love to come and take pictures. Just last Sunday, I was talking to Nick about following him as he windsurfs on Lake Ontario - capturing the power of the wind, just as we see the power of the Spirit moving in Acts.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

What's Goin' On | November 6

November? It's already November? Anyhow, here's the latest from the TILT community. Ride the Rocket!
:. Greg's preaching is posted on the teaching blog.
:. Resources for meditation/devotion are on the urban monks blog.
:. The Psalm from Sunday's lectio is posted on the daily blog.
:. Community Life & Prayer is on the urban monks blog.
:. Have you seen the revamped prayer map? Check it out! Get on it!
:. Did you hear that Sarah P and family could use our help? Or need a car? Check it out.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Bulletin Board | This Sunday

Just a reminder that this Sunday is the first Sunday of the month, which means we will have our Caring and Sharing Offering. This means two things: (1) An additional offering where 100% of the money goes to people within our community who are in need. If you know of anyone who is in need, whether it be friends, family and the people living next door, please let us know! (2) We also bring basic grocery and personal care items to stock up the Spring Garden food cupboard, which supports people in the area who are in need of these things.

Greg will be preaching from Acts 11:1-24. Pete & Jan will be leading communion and Jer will lead us in prayer!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

What's Goin' On | October 29

Things have been a little random on the blog the past couple of here's one post where you can see a bunch of stuff (or just scroll down for more detailed enjoyment):
:. Sarah P and family continue to need our prayers, but also some practical assistance. More details here.
:. Rodway pointed out an interesting show on CBC Radio about suffering. Listen to it here.
:. Sunday night's teaching is on the teaching blog - the audio and images have been combined into one video. Watch it here.
:. The lyrics to the song Nick talked about on Sunday night are posted on the TILT art blog. Read them here.
:. Community life & prayer is posted on urban monks. There is a NEW prayer map. Check it out here!

Grab your rake...or lease a car... | Sarah P

Sarah P and her family are in need of some assistance around the house. Here's the plan...every Saturday a couple of people are needed to (1) help rake and (2) help carry junk up from the basement. People are need for November 10/24 and December 1/8/15. It'll take about 2-3 hours and it's a one-time thing only. Email either tilt.toronto {at} or Sarah directly at sarah_parke {at} Continue to pray for the family as they care for Sarah's dad in this difficult time.

Also!! Do you need or know anyone in need of a car? Sarah's family has a grey 2007 Ford Focus Sedan with only 1300kms. The lease is $325.01 a month, and it's allowed 25 000kms a year. Anybody who wants additional details can get in touch with Sarah (sarah_parke {at}

Note: not exact car shown!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Suffering on CBC Radio

Rodway was listening to CBC Radio last Sunday and stumbled upon the show "Tapestry". This particular Sunday featured a professor from Wycliffe College in Toronto discussing suffering. Listen to it on the daily.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sunday's Teaching | Posted

Sunday night's teaching is posted on the teaching blog. If you weren't there, four of us read from Acts 10 while the images you see were on the screen. We've combined the two into a video for the web. Leave your thoughts! What images struck you? Where can we as TILT show grace where it isn't being shown?


Thursday, October 25, 2007

Jan D | Our Stories

Did you get a chance to read Jan D's story? Check it out. We'd love to have stories from everybody's life here...just email tilt.toronto {at}

Vocation Reminder!

'Tis the night to dress up, eat out and hit the lanes! Details are on the Vocation blog.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Neighbourhood Carvin'

If you'd like to get to know your neighbours, why not invite them over for some pumpkin carvin'? All you need is a pumpkin ($1.99 at Loblaws), a serrated knife (you probably have one), a spoon, and your green bin. If you want to get fancy, print out some of these cutouts.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

What's Goin' On | October 23

There is lots going on the grab a beverage (water is always good), sit down (you probably already are), take a breather and check it out:
:. Weekly resources are posted.
:. Bill's teaching is posted.
:. Community life and prayer is posted. Add your own prayer here.
:. Keep praying with the prayer map!
:. The new song from Sunday night is posted in TILTart for your listening and learning! Or get it from the TILT Music Podcast! (Go to iTunes, into the store and search for "TILT Music" - confused? Instructions are here.)
:. Listen to or read Matt's meditation from Sunday night under the Daily.
:. An underused aspect of the TILT blog is "Our Stories". I'd love to post any stories people have! Today, Jan D shares her journey with LAUNCH. Check it out. Email tilt.toronto {at} if you would like to post a story.
:. Have a great week!

Maclean's | How's this for service?

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Check out the Vocation blog for the latest goings-on there. Next week - dining and bowling - all decked out of course. Otherwise, it's every Thursday at Scott and Kate's.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

What's Goin' On | October 15

While Governor-General Michaëlle Jean reads the Speech from the Throne, the TILT blog gets it weekly update:
:. Listen to Gene's teaching (or get the podcast!)
:. Go through the prayer of examen from Sunday again;
:. Engage with the weekly resources for devotion and meditation as a community;
:. Pray for one another (and add your own prayer requests, or answers to prayer!)
:. Support Laura A from her run on Sunday!
:. Need a few laughs? Keep coming back to the outtakes.
:. Worship music for the Walking Together series is still playing too.


Sunday, October 14, 2007

Laura A | Toronto Half | Support Elisa!!

Good morning everyone! As we speak, our very own Laura A is running the Toronto Half Marathon (this pic is from the start of the race!). She is doing it to raise money for Elisa Linton, who is an important part of the Spring Garden family. Here's what Laura has to say about Elisa:

My friend, Elisa, as many of you know, has had a profound impact on my life. She was born with Sanfilippo Syndrome, which is a mucopolysaccharide disorder and falls within a broader group of genetic disorders known as the Lysosomal Storage Disease. MPS sufferers like Elisa are missing an essential enzyme that breaks down a complex body sugar called heparan sulfate. This sugar will slowly build up in the bones, the brain and other organs, stopping normal development.

While development is normal in the first three or four years, sufferers lose the ability to speak at around the age of 7. By the age of 10 they are confined to a wheelchair, and then bedridden by the age of 14. This decline will be accompanied by hyperactivity, sleep disorders, mental regression and dementia, and will finally lead to an early death. Elisa is 13 and has now lost her speech. This year, her regression has been quite noticeable. Her family courageously watches her fade, yet rejoices in the joy that she brings into their lives and everyone’s life who she meets.

Elisa's amazing family, the Lintons, began a Foundation to raise money to fund research projects so that children born with Sanfilippo one day might have hope of a longer life and treatment.

This year donations from sponsors can be made on-line towards your run with a credit card by logging onto the website Click on, “Donations” listed under “Other Links” on the left side of the home page. Then, click the icon “Donate Now”. Next, enter the donation amount, check the Fund Designation as being “Marathon Event” and under “Message” type in the runners name being sponsored. It’s very easy to follow from there!

Any donations from the run will go towards the Foundation. If you would like to find out more about Sanfilippo Syndrome or my friend, Elisa, you can visit

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Prince of God-God of War | Upcoming Documentary

Tony Campolo says, "It scares me that we have a generation of Christians who know what Jesus would do and yet will do the opposite". This is from a new documentary called Prince of Peace-God of War. Check it out here. The documentary looks at the Christians and their view of war...however, to me it poses the broader question of how culture influences Christianity...


Food & People - Two good things that go very well together

Just a friendly reminder that every week people prepare delicious snacks (I mean, Colin Chapman's chocolate cheesecake brownies..COME ON!!!) and although we usually finish them by the end of the night, which is fantastic, there is also an intentional time of gathering together before 6:30 to catch up with people, see how the week was, see how we can continue praying for one another, etc. Lately, the sanctuary has been a very lonely place even past 6:30. If we desire to be a welcoming community, it's a little intimidating for people to walk into an empty sanctuary expecting a worship gathering at 6:30!

We confess as leadership we are often not ready to go on the dot of 6:30. We will endeavour to be 'ready to go' just after 6 pm as we have always intended to. Then it would be fantastic to gather and eat from 6:15 to 6:30!

Thoughts welcome by clicking on comments.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

What's Goin' On | October 9

Yes, here it is...your faithful weekly updates:
:. Listen to Greg's teaching (or get the podcast).
:. Download the weekly resources for prayer and meditation. Or view them online!
:. Reflect on the confession liturgy from Sunday night.
:. Opportunities for prayer on the community prayer posting and its associated comments.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Bulletin Board | Vocation Potluck!! FOOD!

Check out the Vocation blog for more information about a potluck THIS Thursday, October 4thTOMORROW at Scott and Kate's house.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Walking Together | Music Up

We will have CDs for everyone for Sunday, but the songs for the small group series "Walking Together" are posted here!

You can also listen to the songs as a PODCAST! It is not yet being picked up by iTunes, but soon, if you search in the iTunes stores for "TILT Music" and look under podcasts, it should be there. It is now up as a podcast recognized by the iTunes Store! If you can't wait, follow these instructions:
Open up iTunes. You don't have iTunes? Download it here. Once you have downloaded and installed iTunes, follow these simple steps:
1) Click on "iTunes Stores" on the left side of the program window.
2) In the search box, search for "TILT Music".
3) It should be your first hit.
4) Click on the "Subscribe" button.
5) The podcast will begin downloading on to your computer!

Monday, October 1, 2007

What's Goin' On | October 1

Good afternoon, one and all!
Your usual weekly updates here:
:. Greg's teaching from Sunday night;
:. A definition of simony;
:. Weekly resources for meditation, praise, prayer and devotion;
:. Community Life & Prayer posting - post your own prayer here;
:. Prayer Map here;
:. If you missed last week: the video and the outtakes are posted.

Resources are up

Just so you know, resources are up on the urban monks blog! Late for class...gotta run...

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Outtakes are UP!

Hey Everyone,

Here you are in all your glory:

Friday, September 28, 2007

Bulletin Board | Shower for Erin!

This Sunday afternoon from 2 - 4 pm at Spring Garden, there will be a shower in celebration of Erin and Colin's upcoming wedding. Any and all women are invited to attend. I am not fluent in the happenings of showers for women only, so I have no idea what you are supposed to wear, what to bring or how to act. Perhaps, like yourself?The VW is in honour of Erin's last name, just in case you were wondering. There was talk of a simultaneous men's only event during the afternoon, to which Gene would really like to be invited. Please post any further planning under the comments!

Also, see below for the small groups form link

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Bulletin Board | Small Groups Starting!

As we have announced for a couple of weeks, we are joining in the whole Spring Garden community on a journey through Deuteronomy (and Acts too!), exploring what it means to be a community. This starts NEXT WEEK! It is our hope that everyone be in a small group, even if just for these next six weeks. If you aren't in a group, fill out this form (it's not linked because I can't get on the Spring Garden website right now, but check out and it should be there. It is now linked - here again), or email me at

What's Goin' On | September 25

I'm running out of town here, but key posts are up:
Community Life & Prayer
Resources for the week
The Prayer Map

See the video below. Outtakes to come!!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Are you on it?

If you haven't heard or read about the prayer points map, read about it here. If you haven't used or seen the prayer points map, check it out here. If you aren't on the prayer points map, get on it here.

(Photo of artwork by Tim Holmes.)

Sunday, September 23, 2007

TILT Teaching | Acts 7: A Reading

The teaching from tonight is posted on the TILT teaching blog here. It is, of course, the video made up of much of the TILT community! Check it out here. Well, I may as well put it right here too:

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Bulletin Board | This Sunday

The Scripture reading/teaching/preaching/all-in-one for this week is coming together. Thank you everyone for sticking around afterwards to do some fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants filming.

Other than that, this Sunday should prove to be not unlike any other Sunday at TILT - always different!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

What's Goin' On | September 18

Good morning, one and all!! This is your latest goin' on web-update post (in contrast to the newly formed 'bulletin post' for the latest happenings within the TILT and at the TILT worship gathering). Now that you are confused, here's the usual:

:. Gene's teaching on Acts 6:1-7 is up. Get the podcast if you dare.
:. Community Life & Prayer is posted - post your prayers here!
:. The Thomas Merton prayer from Sunday night.
:. And of course, weekly resources for meditation, prayer, praise and communing with God and one another.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Bulletin Board | This Sunday

Trying a new post here just to keep people in the loop about Sunday gathering happenings...This graphic will always be associated with it!

:. Please keep filling in the Toronto poster board prayer map! There should be a marker and pins by the map at all times. Simply pin-point a place where you are throughout the week, mark your name and how we can pray for you/that place/the people there.

:. Gene will be preaching on Acts 6:1-12:

1 But as the believers rapidly multiplied, there were rumblings of discontent. The Greek-speaking believers complained about the Hebrew-speaking believers, saying that their widows were being discriminated against in the daily distribution of food.

2 So the Twelve called a meeting of all the believers. They said, “We apostles should spend our time teaching the word of God, not running a food program. 3 And so, brothers, select seven men who are well respected and are full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will give them this responsibility. 4 Then we apostles can spend our time in prayer and teaching the word.”

5 Everyone liked this idea, and they chose the following: Stephen (a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit), Philip, Procorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas of Antioch (an earlier convert to the Jewish faith). 6 These seven were presented to the apostles, who prayed for them as they laid their hands on them.

7 So God’s message continued to spread. The number of believers greatly increased in Jerusalem, and many of the Jewish priests were converted, too.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Acts 7 | Video Scripture Reading

On Sunday, September 23 at TILT we’ll be covering Acts 7, which is when Stephen addresses the council. We thought it would be fun to do a collaborative scripture reading and hence this posting. Here’s the idea – to have as many people as possible reading various parts of the scripture and then cut it together into a video scripture reading. If you’ve ever seen the music video for Michael Jackson’s Black or White, you’ll sort of know what I’m talking about (near the end when all the different people are lip syncing and it just keeps cycling through people). Watch the video here. The part I'm talking about is in the last minute of the video.

I hope to be able to ‘film’ this on this Sunday night after TILT and would only need a few minutes of people’s time. It will just be a head and shoulders shot with you reading the Scripture that I tell you to read!

If you are interested and can let me know ahead of time, that would be great because I can then coordinate who will be reading what. So, please email me at and let me know either way.

Scott M

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Vocation | Starting Up Again

Check out the Vocation Blog for info on an upcoming meeting.

If you have no idea what Vocation is, perhaps this wordy sentence can help (or not?!):

Vocation is an authentic community (of those in post-secondary education and early careers) journeying together to solidify our primary calling to God and discover our secondary calling, the adventures God has in store for us, corporately and individually. Vocation's core values are community, authenticity, mobilization and creativity and we seek to live these out in everything we do.

Jay McIntyre | Father's Love | Video

Hey all,

Check out the new video under TILT Art, produced, created and directed by Jay.
Watch it here.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What's Goin' On | September 11

:. If you are interested in the prayer by John Wesley we prayed on Sunday night, check it out under the daily.

:. Resources for the week are here on urban monks.

:. Community Life & Prayer is posted.

:. Check out the prayer map!

:. Listen to Bill's teaching.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

What's Goin' On | September 4

School's IN! Hard to believe really...the TILT website ticks along as always...a few updates for you:

:. Weekly resources are posted - sorry for the few day gap.
:. Scott's teaching is posted (and on the podcast!)
:. Community Life & Prayer posting is up too. Add your stories/prayers here!
:. Scott also referred to an article by Lesslie Newbigin on Sunday. Read it here.