Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Another Update...

They just keep coming. We have re-posted a better version of one of our newest songs written by Greg - Called. Check it out here.

Also, post to community life & prayer, so we can pray for one another through the week!


Why not answer a bunch of questions in CBC's Test the Nation? Find out the results from the TV special here.

A couple additions...

Two more things up for the week. Per usual, go here for the week's resources in meditation and devotion. We would love to hear how God is using these!

Also, Tony Campolo was in Toronto last week and was interviewed by George Stroumboulopoulos on CBC's "The Hour". Check out the interview, it's powerful stuff.

Monday, March 26, 2007

What's Goin' On | March 26

Your friendly, neighbourhood webmaster here...I've got to say, last night was really exciting and I'm excited to hear about how God is moving among us as we are commissioned to our vocations and into the places we are.

On that note, our community life & prayer this week is centered on those places, people and things God has called us to. Post your comments! Read here.

We commissioned every based on one of six groups. Each group had a specific Scripture read to them as part of the commissioning before we laid hands on one another and prayed together. The summary of the verses used are here.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

A Few Updates...

Commissioning gathering tonight!! Read this if you haven't yet!
Gene's teaching is now up as well. And also the Desert Fathers story from last Sunday. And last but not least, a community announcement:

Becki Lee is seeking a new room mate to share a spacious 2 bedroom apartment on Bloor St. between Bathurst and Spadina. Preferably a fun and easy going Christian female. Very short walking distance to subway. $600/month plus hydro. Available May 1st.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Addressing Poverty

Check out The Daily for the Star's resource on their War on Poverty. I am struck by the appeal to popularity that seems to be in every budget - go for the middle class!! Should we be supporting this kind of action? The Gospel is Good News for the poor, for the oppressed, for those who suffer injustice. I know money doesn't solve everything, but...anyhow...post your thoughts via comments!
Check the post in the Daily for one writer's opinion and a link to write your MP if you have something to say to them.

Here is also an interesting link to the blog of one of the speakers at the upcoming Evolving Church conference: Read it here.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Just your friendly neighbourhood reminder about this week's upcoming commissioning gathering. To read more and also pray through how you sense God leading you to be commissioned, go here.

The War on Poverty | A Public Forum

Just wanted to let everyone know about a series of forums going on in the city which look really interesting and something the church should definitely be a part of!! Here's the blurb from the Star:

The Toronto Star and the Income Security Advocacy Centre tackle the issue of "precarious employment" – people working part-time, casually, with few benefits and low wages – at a public forum tonight, Tuesday, March 20 at 7:30 p.m., at the St. Lawrence Centre, 27 Front St. E. (view map).

Read the flyer here.

What's Goin' On | March 20

As always at the start of the week, lots of new stuff up on the blogs. I'll just run them off here:

Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Lord's Supper

Ever since our series on First John, we have been receiving the Lord's Supper every week as a community. Here's an interesting video that might spur some thinking on who and what communion is for [shared from Work of the People]:

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Gene's Teaching & Leave Your Footprint on the Blog!!

Yes, that is Gene leading Alpha, but on Sunday night he was at TILT, teaching about the meaning of the Cross. Check it out here!

God leading you in any direction this week as you read his written Word or pray? Post your thoughts here.

Need prayer for something? Have an exciting story to tell? Leave a comment under community life and prayer.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

What's Goin' On | March 13

Here is your semi-regular update on links throughout the TILT blogs. Your weekly resources for reading and prayer are here under Urban Monks as always. We continue to affirm the belief that a community rooted in prayer and Scripture reading together throughout the week will hear and be moved by God in amazing ways! Any feedback on this would be superb...comment here or under the resources.

Community prayer and life is here. Please add any stories, need for prayer, praise. Anything!

NOTE: Our commissioning gathering will be on March 25 stemming from our series "Reconstructing the Call". In preparation for this evening gathering, we would encourage you to read through the document in the post on the Commissioning Gathering here. It will illustrate how will we go about commissioning and it would be great if you can pray through it beforehand!

Gene's teaching will be up tomorrow morning.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Teaching Sampler | The Journey to the Cross

For the next two weeks we are looking at "The Journey to the Cross". This week, Gene will be teaching us about how Jesus was aware of his fast approaching death as he journeyed to Jerusalem. Check out Hebrews 12:1-2:
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne".
What exactly did his death do or accomplish? Was it just 'substitionary' - that Jesus died in our place? Then why couldn't he have just been killed when he was two and Herod tried to kill him?

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

More updates...

I've added another great link under Green Resources. It's a website called greenopolis.ca. It contains a directory to green products and services, and a bunch of other useful tidbits that are easy to implement. Start small!!

We would also love to make part of the urban monks blog a sharing of our stories with one another. Becki's story from the stations is up there. If you would like to share your story, email tilt.toronto AT gmail.com.

Monday, March 5, 2007

What's Goin' On | March 4

Last night we had an intimate communion potluck. Any votes for favourite dish of the night? I have to go with Les's cake, despite the bottom being stuck to the pan.

Some more stuff will be posted later, but most importantly: Community Life & Prayer for the week.

Resources for the week are up now too.

Saturday, March 3, 2007


For our gathering tomorrow, we're having our about bi-monthly communion potluck where we celebrate communion over a meal. So, we'll be downstairs in the Multi-Purpose Room instead of up in the sanctuary. 6:30 pm per usual!!

We don't assign food by name or anything like that, so if you are able to bring anything, please do. However, if you don't have time/money/whatever to prepare anything, don't worry about it! We always make extra and often those who need to take food home, we send some with them!!

If you haven't been at a communion potluck before, a little background...the early Christian church celebrated communion over an entire meal, rather than just as part of a worship gathering. So, that is what we are doing at TILT - framing a meal together through the celebration of communion, so that the entire meal is communion. Greg, you can comment if this is an inadequate explanation...

See you tomorrow night!