Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Light of the World

If you want a better link to invite people to the upcoming Light of the World, send them to:

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Weekly Postings

Resources for this week - continued from last week's posting here.
This week's prayer posting is also here on the urban monks blog. Post anything we can pray for on this posting - in your own life, your friends, this city, this country and beyond.

Advent Devotionals

Myrna Frost, a long-time and beloved member of Spring Garden, has written daily devotions for the season of Advent. They begin on Sunday, December 2. Check it out here. Here's what the Spring Garden site says about Advent and the devotionals:

The tradition of marking the seasons of the church year first began as the desire to celebrate every aspect of Christ’s life. The early Christian Church celebrated the birth of Christ in mid-winter to mark the coming of His Light into the world and subsequently established the period called “Advent” (Latin for Arrival) in order to prepare for the Christmas season. In writing these short Advent Devotionals, it is our desire that each day we may set aside a few moments to consider with intentionality, our role in creating community. We have endeavored to use simple language in the hope that these daily readings can be enjoyed by the whole family.
Each week will have a different focus:
Week One
December 2-December 8
Creating Community in our Church
Week Two
December 9-December 15
Creating Community at School or in the Workplace
Week Three
December 16-December 22
Creating Community in the Neighbourhood
Week Four
December 23-December 24
Creating Community in the Family
Painting by Roger Hutchison

Monday, November 26, 2007

Poverty in Toronto | On CBC Radio

CBC's Metro Morning, hosted by Andy Barrie, is doing a week of morning shows on poverty in Toronto. Some interesting interviews this morning about the working poor and pay day loans. Metro Morning's website is here - read each clip, or go to the five day archive.

Photo copyright: CBC

Friday, November 23, 2007

Bulletin Board | Sunday: Communion Potluck

For our gathering on Sunday, we're having our approximately bi-monthly communion potluck where we receive and celebrate communion together over a meal. So, we'll be downstairs in the Multi-Purpose Room instead of up in the sanctuary. 6:30 pm per usual!

We don't assign food by name or anything like that, so if you are able to bring anything, please do. However, if you don't have time/money/whatever to prepare anything, don't worry about it! We always make extra and often those who need to take food home, we send some with them!!

If you haven't been at a communion potluck before, a little background...the early Christian church celebrated communion over an entire meal, rather than just as part of a worship gathering. So, that is what we are doing at TILT - framing a meal together through the celebration of communion, so that the entire meal is communion.

See you Sunday! Everyone's welcome.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

What's Goin' On | November 22

Sorry for the late posting...
:. Check out this new prayer from Cheryl on the daily.
:. Listen to Gene's teaching on the teaching blog.
:. Participate in the resources for devotion on urban monks.
:. Keep praying with the prayer map.
:. Please participate in the TILT dialogue!
:. And invite your friends to Light of the World - it's a grand time!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

TILT Dialogue

The TILT community has been meeting weekly for two years. It has flown by! We’ve
journeyed through the Stations of the Cross, explored the mysteries of the Incarnation
and looked into the glory of God’s Kingdom. We’ve prayed for one another, our city
and our world. We’ve shared stories, struggle, joys and our art. We’ve spent a week at a Native Reserve, loving kids. But many questions persist surrounding this community. It’s time for an honest look at ourselves and to earnestly seek God’s will for us. It is our hope that this is the beginning of a conversation—between one another and God—about TILT. We are starting this conversation with a series of questions. It is our hope that we can hear everyone's voice in this - whether you've been to TILT once and never returned, or you've come every week for the past two years. The 'questionnaire' (for lack of a better word) can be found here. Fill it out and bring it to TILT, or scan it and send to tilt.toronto {at} If you'd like an interactive form in which you input the data and email it back, email tilt.toronto {at} (this is preferable for collecting data too).

Sorry for tardiness...

Resources for the week: here.
Community Prayer - check out the prayer map.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Teaching from Sunday Night

Scott's teaching from last night is posted on the teaching blog here. Of course, you can subscribe to the TILT Teaching podcast and listen to it there.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Prayer Points

Pray for someone and their local community today:

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Did you know?

Virtually all of the photographs and images used during our worship gatherings are taken by people from the TILT community. We are always looking to use new photos. If you have any you would like to share, just email tilt.toronto {at} Another concept we are working on is integrating images from our every day lives. What do you see every day? How is that linked to your life, worshiping God and proclaiming Jesus? We'd love to come and take pictures. Just last Sunday, I was talking to Nick about following him as he windsurfs on Lake Ontario - capturing the power of the wind, just as we see the power of the Spirit moving in Acts.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

What's Goin' On | November 6

November? It's already November? Anyhow, here's the latest from the TILT community. Ride the Rocket!
:. Greg's preaching is posted on the teaching blog.
:. Resources for meditation/devotion are on the urban monks blog.
:. The Psalm from Sunday's lectio is posted on the daily blog.
:. Community Life & Prayer is on the urban monks blog.
:. Have you seen the revamped prayer map? Check it out! Get on it!
:. Did you hear that Sarah P and family could use our help? Or need a car? Check it out.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Bulletin Board | This Sunday

Just a reminder that this Sunday is the first Sunday of the month, which means we will have our Caring and Sharing Offering. This means two things: (1) An additional offering where 100% of the money goes to people within our community who are in need. If you know of anyone who is in need, whether it be friends, family and the people living next door, please let us know! (2) We also bring basic grocery and personal care items to stock up the Spring Garden food cupboard, which supports people in the area who are in need of these things.

Greg will be preaching from Acts 11:1-24. Pete & Jan will be leading communion and Jer will lead us in prayer!