Thursday, September 13, 2007

Acts 7 | Video Scripture Reading

On Sunday, September 23 at TILT we’ll be covering Acts 7, which is when Stephen addresses the council. We thought it would be fun to do a collaborative scripture reading and hence this posting. Here’s the idea – to have as many people as possible reading various parts of the scripture and then cut it together into a video scripture reading. If you’ve ever seen the music video for Michael Jackson’s Black or White, you’ll sort of know what I’m talking about (near the end when all the different people are lip syncing and it just keeps cycling through people). Watch the video here. The part I'm talking about is in the last minute of the video.

I hope to be able to ‘film’ this on this Sunday night after TILT and would only need a few minutes of people’s time. It will just be a head and shoulders shot with you reading the Scripture that I tell you to read!

If you are interested and can let me know ahead of time, that would be great because I can then coordinate who will be reading what. So, please email me at and let me know either way.

Scott M

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