Tuesday, February 1, 2011

LIVING WELL SEMINARS: First one Sat FEB 5 @9.a.m

The living well seminars are an opportunity for individuals, couples, and families to spend time with eachother learning about effective communication, financial responsibility, and relationships and sexuality. The seminars will be led by professionals from within the Spring Garden community and are offered free of charge to all who are interested.

The first one, "Are You Listening to Me" is this coming Saturday Feb 5 @9am at 112 Spring Garden Avenue, Toronto (parking is off of Kenneth) and will explore the various ways conversation and connections can breakdown between people (partners, co-workers, family, friends) and how to foster a fresh perspective of the communication process.

The following seminars are "The D.I.R.T. on Money Management" on Feb 19 and "Delighting in our Differences" on March 5.

Refreshments are included.

To register and for more information email office@springgardenchurch.ca.

For more information on any of the seminars or on the presentors, click here

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