What's Goin' On! Updates...
Check out the latest under green resources, including an article on "High Efficiency Worship". James Kingsley's small(er) blog is gaining momentum and an interesting place to stay updated on what other churches are doing [speaking of which - Rodway, if you are reading this, what's the name of that RC church that won an environmental award...James would definitely be interested].
A new feature in the Daily...let me know what you guys think...but I just saw Stranger than Fiction and couldn't help seeing parallels to the Christian faith. Check out the post. It would be great to get some discussion/thoughts on that one. Do we want this type of thing on the Daily? Comments!! Post 'em!!
As always, post things we can pray about as a community under Community Life & Prayer posting for the week. Something to pray through as the Canadian church is the recent report: "The Rich and the Rest of Us". [click title to read article from The Star]
We have also begun a new section in the Urban Monks blog: "Our Stories". Check it out.