Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Light of the World | Dec 12 @ 7:00pm

It's that time of year! Light of the World, our annual celebration of singing super fun arrangments of Christmas songs and carols and eating tons of amazing desserts, is coming soon! December 12th @ 7:00pm.

If you have any friends/family/coworkers/neighbours that enjoy singing, fun music and good food, right click and "save as" the image and it makes a great email invite that you can send.

If you're interested in helping out with food (either bringing some desserts or helping with set up, clean up, etc), please email Greg @ gregkay{at}springgardenchurch.ca

Monday, November 15, 2010


This Sunday November 21 @4pm the TILT community will be holding a "village hall" meeting (same as a town hall meeting, just with more letters) in lieu of our usual worship gathering. If you are or have recently been a part of the TILT community, please prayerfully come to participate in our conversation about the future of TILT; what God is doing and where He is leading us.

This meeting is not informational in purpose (ie to give information on decisions already made) but conversational (ie to participate in making the decisions), so if you are planning to come, please take some time this week to humbly pray and seek God's wisdom and heart for our community.