Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Important Changes for TILT!!

There are a few important schedule changes coming up over the next few weeks for TILT, so please make note of dates and times!

To begin, Tilt is changing its regular meeting time to 6:00p.m. Sunday evenings and will be meeting in the lounge for the forseeable future, with a few exceptions as noted below. The change in time and place has come about as a result of our conversations over the past month, and we're hoping these changes will addresses some of the desires and concerns expressed. If you have additional feedback, please email tilt leadership at tilt.toronto{at}gmail.com.

Here are specific dates to make note of:

DECEMBER 19 @6:00p.m.: We are having a POT-PLAN meal together (like a potluck, but without the luck part...please email the leadership team to tell them if you're coming and what you're bringing so they can plan accordingly).

DECEMBER 24 @7:00p.m.: As TILT is part of the Spring Garden community, we are sharing a Christmas eve candlelight worship gathering together @7:00 pm in the sanctuary.

DECEMBER 26: NO TILT GATHERING! Most of the community is either out of town or unable to come, so we will not be meeting.

JANUARY 2 @6:00p.m.: From this date on we will be returning to a consistent pattern of meeting every week at 6:00pm in the lounge.

That's all for now. If we don't see you, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Light of the World | Dec 12 @ 7:00pm

It's that time of year! Light of the World, our annual celebration of singing super fun arrangments of Christmas songs and carols and eating tons of amazing desserts, is coming soon! December 12th @ 7:00pm.

If you have any friends/family/coworkers/neighbours that enjoy singing, fun music and good food, right click and "save as" the image and it makes a great email invite that you can send.

If you're interested in helping out with food (either bringing some desserts or helping with set up, clean up, etc), please email Greg @ gregkay{at}springgardenchurch.ca

Monday, November 15, 2010


This Sunday November 21 @4pm the TILT community will be holding a "village hall" meeting (same as a town hall meeting, just with more letters) in lieu of our usual worship gathering. If you are or have recently been a part of the TILT community, please prayerfully come to participate in our conversation about the future of TILT; what God is doing and where He is leading us.

This meeting is not informational in purpose (ie to give information on decisions already made) but conversational (ie to participate in making the decisions), so if you are planning to come, please take some time this week to humbly pray and seek God's wisdom and heart for our community.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Better Things: A Journey through the book of Hebrews

Oct 3: "A Better Messenger," Hebrews 1&2
Oct 10: "A Better Rest," Hebrews 2:1-4:13
Oct 17: "A Better Priest," Hebrews 4:14-7:25
Oct 24: "A Better Covenant," Hebrews 8&9
Oct 31: "A Better Hope," Hebrews 10&11
Nov 7: "A Better Life," Hebrews 12&13

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

New CD | 15 Steps Up: The Songs of Ascent

Every fall Spring Garden creates it's own small group matterial and a CD of original worship music to go along with it. This year the series is based around the Psalms of Ascent (Psalm 120-134).

If you would like to download the mp3's and accompanying album art thumbnail, it is available at TILT ART

Friday, September 3, 2010


As of September 5, TILT will be changing it's meeting time to 4 pm on Sundays. This is to be a 4 month tester period to see if an earlier meeting time works. We would love to hear your opinion on both the positive and negative sides of this change.

Monday, July 5, 2010

New Series | Intimacy Recovered

intimacy - noun / in-tə-mə-sē
1. Close or warm friendship;
2. A sexual relationship;
3. A feeling of being intimate and belonging together;
4. The state of being intimate; close familiarity or association; nearness in friendship.

July 11: The Intimate God, John 14:15-23
July 18: Intimacy Lost, Genesis 3:8-21
July 25: Intimacy and the Confusion of Language, Genesis 11:1-9
August 1: Intimacy in Marriage: Mutual Submission, Ephesians 5:21-33
August 8: Intimacy in Marriage: A Theology of Sex, Hebrews 13:4, Genesis 1:26-31
August 15: Intimacy in the Family, Malachi 4:5-6, Colossians 3:18-21
August 22: Intimacy in the Church, Romans 12:9-17
August 29: Agents of Intimacy, Romans 12:18-13:10
September 5: Intimacy Restored, Revelation 22:1-5

Monday, May 10, 2010

New Series | Ends & Means: a look at Paul's ministry values in 2 Corinthians

Starting May 16 we will begin a new 8 week series looking at the theme of "ministry" in 2 Corinthians; looking at the author of the letter's ministry values and discovering what that means for us in our personal and corporate serving in the world.
Here's the series outline if you want to track along:

May 16: An Authentic Ministry- 2 Corinthians 1:1-11
May 23: AT 4:00!! A Redemptive Ministry- 2 Corinthians 2:5-17
May 30: A Ministry with Theological Integrity- 2 Corinthians 4:1-6
June 6: A Reconciling Ministry- 2 Corinthians 5:11-6:2
June 13: A Pure Ministry- 2 Corinthians 6:2-7:1
June 20: An Accountable Ministry- 2 Corinthians 8:1-24 (ch 9)
June 27: An Authoritative Ministry- 2 Corinthians 10:1-11:15
July 4: Ministry that Leaves Marks- 2 Corinthians 11:16-33

Thursday, April 8, 2010

New Series Starts Sunday!

New Series | Living Worship: Worship as Justice, Mercy and Humility

For the next 4 weeks, using Micah 6:8 (He has shown all you people what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God) as a starting point, we will be exploring what it means to live out worship once we have gone out from our gatherings of corporate worship.

1) April 11-- Worship as Scattering: An introduction. (Micah 6:6-8, Deuteronomy 15:4-5, James 1:27)
2) April 18-- Worship as Justice
3) April 25-- Worship as Mercy.(Matthew 9:9-13)
4) May 2-- Worship as Humility

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Stations of Holy Week | March 28

Each year on Palm Sunday we gather together to journey with Jesus through the final moments of his life by using an adaptation of the "Stations of the Cross". On March 28th at 4:00pm (note the time change from the usual 6:30) our stations will take us through moments of the last week of Jesus' life leading up to his crucifixion as recorded in the Gospel of John in continuation with our present series "They Saw His Glory"

This year instead of using beads to assist our prayer journey, we will be using 10 knot prayer ropes. If you are not familiar with prayer ropes and would like to know more before you come, click here for more information.

Following the Stations of Holy week, stay and join us at 6:00pm for our first ever TILT Chilli Challenge (for more information, see previous post)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Great TILT CHILLI CHALLENGE!! | March 28 2010

Coming up on MARCH 28 2010 TILT's communal worship gathering time, our yearly Stations of Holy Week will be moving to 4:00PM. Then at 6:00pm in the lounge we will be having our first ever TILT CHILLI CHALLENGE!

So bring along your pot/crockpot of chilli, whether it be a secret family recipe, some random recipe you find on google search, or a recipe of your own invention (like that "KD and whatever else is in the fridge chilli" you used to live off of), OR if you aren't able to bring a chilie, just bring yourself, a friend and your favourite eating spoon (if you don't have a favourite eating spoon, eating spoons will be provided...although they may not be your favourite).

(Oh, and YES there will be prizes for the best chille as determined by everyone in attendence)

Hope to see you there!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Eucharist and Super Bowl | Feb 7

Coming up on February 7th there are two significant changes to our normal schedule.

The Eucharist of Beulah and Pearl
The "Baptist Mass" that Greg wrote for TILT which we did back in June 09 will be led in the morning gathering at 10am. If you would like more information on what it is, click here

SuperBowl Sunday Worship Gathering Schedule Change
Then, also on the 7th, instead of having our regular worship gathering at 6:30pm we will be meeting for communal worship at 4:00pm. Then at 6:30 we will have a "SuperBowl Party" at Greg and Mon's house as an opportunity enjoy hanging out with one another in a less formal setting. If you're interested in helping out with food or have any other ideas about the night, please email the TILT leaderhip team at tilt.toronto{at}gmail.com