Annual Meeting + TILT Communion Potluck = Family Time
Spring Garden Church's (that includes TILT!) annual ministry meeting will be THIS SUNDAY at 5:00 pm in the Multipurpose Room (where we usually have our potluck dinners). The evening will include a discussion on building plans - if you don't know anything about this, now's the time to find out!! Although you have to be a member to vote, a significant part of the meeting is discussion and everyone is welcomed and encouraged to participate in the discussion.
After the meeting at 6:30, we will have our TILT communion potluck! We don't assign food by name or anything like that, so if you are able to bring anything, please do. However, if you don't have time/money/whatever to prepare anything, don't worry about it! We always make extra and often those who need to take food home, we send some with them!!
If you haven't been at a communion potluck before, a little background...the early Christian church celebrated communion over an entire meal, rather than just as part of a worship gathering. So, that is what we are doing at TILT - framing a meal together through the celebration of communion, so that the entire meal is communion.