Monday, March 31, 2008

Need to catch up!!

I apologize for not yet posting Monica's teaching (TRUST! Not frenzy...), and the Easter Resurrection Stories...they will be coming shortly.

Check out an Easter meditation Matt wrote in the daily.
Also, learn more about breath prayer, which we did last night, also in the daily.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Stations of the Cross | Some More Art

The artwork from two more of the stations from last week:

Station Three
Station Four
Both at the same time

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Stations of the Cross | Stations 1 & 7

Check out the videos that were played in the sanctuary on Sunday night as the first and last stations!

Station One
Station Seven
Both at the same time

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Making things easy...

So, if you are short on time and want to quickly scan any of the latest forum posts, especially regarding prayer, simply click on the image below "RECENT FORUM POSTS" on the sidebar on the right. It will give you the latest postings on all the forums. If you want to spend a little time praying, just check out the prayer forum.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Moose Deer '08 | July 20 - 26

As we have been announcing for a couple of a big answer to prayer, it looks like we have the opportunity to establish a long-term connection with our friends at the Moose Deer Point Native Reserve. This summer, we'll be doing another week-long summer day camp from July 20-26. If you want to read about our experience last summer, check out these postings here. Or talk to Scott M, Becki L, Lindz, Greg K, Bill H, Barb E, or Jen-Mai at TILT!!

If you are interested, talk to Bill H or email him at billhall [at] springgardenchurch [dot] ca.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Updates! Updates!

Hey everyone. So, the last couple of teachings are now up on the TILT Teaching blog. Of course, you can listen to them through the TILT podcast too!

March's devotional resources are also up!! We continue to desire for us to journey through Scripture together and this is one way to do it...check it out here.

Please continue to use the new community boards for all of their uses. Unfortunately, for them to be free, the ads have to be there, so just don't look at the top of the page!! If you want to see the latest postings, check out the sidebar at the right and click on the image under "recent forum posts".

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Devotional Stuff...

Sorry for not yet having this month's devotional stuff up. We are awaiting the reconnecting of the Spring Garden server to the outside world!