Saturday, December 29, 2007


A new day dawns, and so the TILT website features a new...feature. As you hopefully know, this blog enables us to share prayer requests with one another by adding comments to prayer posts. If you don't know this, read this post. But, if you're anything like me, sometimes those prayer comments get lost in the shuffle of newer posts, etc. Well, fear not! We have a solution.

Check it out! You'll notice in the sidebar of the main TILT blog and the urban monks blog a section entitled "Recent Prayer Comments" - this shows the latest comments on the prayer posting for quick viewing. Simply click on the name of the person commenting, and this will take you to the post. Hope it helps! Let me know if it does by commenting or emailing tilt.toronto (AT)

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Latest teachings finally up!

Sorry for the lengthy delay - Gene's and Jay's teachings are finally posted on the teaching blog.
Listen to Gene here.
Listen to Jay here.

If you haven't already, subscribe to the TILT teaching podcast!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Tonight! Advent Stations!

Tonight we'll be doing stations around the Christmas story and specifically the various elements of the nativity scene. For a sneak peek, check it out.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Story from Light of the World

If you weren't able to be at Light of the World, check out the video of "Dave Cooks the Turkey" by Stuart McLean, read by Matthew Adams. It's a comic book take on one of McLean's classic short stories. Watch the video here. Read about Stuart here.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

TILT Dialogue | Still a chance!

So, yes, we had a "deadline" for handing in the TILT Dialogue forms. However, the reality is that I won't be compiling them until after Christmas for discussion in the new year. SO, if you haven't yet filled one out, go for it. Read more about the whole thing here. Thanks for all the forms we have already received! Email them back to scottgmoore {at}

Monday, December 17, 2007

'Vocation' Potluck

From the Vocation blog:

The Thursday night small group is hosting a Potluck for those of us who are "no-longer children, and not yet too old to have fun"! Bring your favorite food or drink to Scott and Kate Moore's house (58 Stuart Ave) at 7:00 PM on Thursday, Dec 20th. Bring games, bring friends, bring a turkey, bring rum & eggnog, whatever floats your boat! Drop in anytime, as you are. Email any questions to jeremy.unrau (at)

What's Goin' On | December 17

First off, a big thank you to everyone who helped out at Light of the World last night. Although the weather certainly didn't cooperate, we still had a blast. Thanks to Rod and Les for coordinating all the food and set-up and for making it an awesome spread. Thanks to everyone for bringing food (most creative: Lisa!!). Thanks to Andrew, Michelle and Nick for helping set-up (and Nick for snowblowing). Thank you to Martin, Bob and Arlene for greeting. Thanks to Colin for sound (as always). Thanks to Erin for holding doors. Thanks to the band for a night of amazing music and to Greg for his incredible arrangements. And of course to our in-house 'Stuart McLean', Mr. Matthew Adams. Thank you to Cheryl for being so kind-spirited after receiving a full blowing of snow in the face. And of course, thanks to everyone who came in the midst of a winter wonderland. If I've forgotten anyone who helped out, my apologies - let me know and I'll add it in!

We have found some new web space, so the last couple of sermons will be posted SOON!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Light of the World is ON! ON! ON!

The official and final update: We're ON!!

Light of the World will happen tonight at 6:30. Enjoy the winter wonderland for the day and come finish it off with some singing, Charlie Brown, Stuart McLean and of course an incredible spread put on by Dr. Daniels.
Drive safe!

Photo: Hannah Boettcher

Light of the World Tonight! It's Snowing! A Lot!

Well, the weather outside is indeed frightful, or wonderful, depending on your perspective.  We'll keep you posted throughout the day and what's happening...Light of the World is tonight - so hopefully the snow will ease up and people will be able to drive safely!

Sorry for the lack of posts and no teaching podcast - we are currently out of webspace, but are working on getting some more.  For free, that is.

Enjoy the snow!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Light of the World | December 16th

What's Going' On | Dec. 11

Good morning! Here's what's new:
:. Prayer for the week is posted. Please add your own requests and also note all the prayers from Sunday night! (And would still love to add people to the prayer map...)
:. Devotional resources have been updated and uploaded for the whole month (let me know if you prefer the whole month at once or weekly)

Thursday, December 6, 2007

TILT Dialogue | By Sunday!

It's been a long day at the office, or in the come home and that lengthy TILT Dialogue form is still sitting on your desk/kitchen counter. Grrrrr....we know it's long, so don't feel like you have to fill out the ENTIRE form. Just block out a bit of time to answer the questions you feel most passionate about and go from there...Read here for more details.

We would appreciate having all the forms in by Sunday so we can compile people's responses, pray through it all and figure out how to proceed from here!

Monday, December 3, 2007

What's Goin' On | December 3

Good morning! Here are the latest updates:
:. Resources for Dec. 1 - 15 (sorry they're late). These are resources for our collective devotional life. Journeying through Scripture together and with the church worldwide. For advent, check these out.
:. Community life and prayer - continue praying through the newspapers of our city!
:. Light of the World is coming! Invite your friends. Matt Adams will be returning with a Stuart McLean special.
:. TILT Dialogue - they are trickling in! If you could please fill them out by Sunday, December 9, that would be fantastic. Click on the link for more details. That way, we can compile the input for a town-hall meeting in January.