HEAR YE!! HEAR YE!! I think tonight we had our longest ever TILT announcements and if your mind is anything like mine, you've forgotten all of them already. Thankfully, I wrote them all down so we can have them up on the website!! Here goes...in NO order of importance:
: See the earlier post on AIM {Acts of Intentional Mission} which is happening on May 27 from 11:30 - 2:00.
: We have the opportunity to minister among a First Nations Reserve near Georgian Bay from August 12 - August 18. We will be involved in running a day camp for youth and children on the reserve. More details to come!! These are people who have long been forgotten and ignored when it comes to national matters and treated unjustly for centuries. They are literally in our neighbourhood. Post a comment if you are interested!!
: Everyone is invited to attend Simon Wukasch's (son of Rick, Pastor at Spring) wedding at Spring Garden on Saturday. Not sure about the time.
: Everyone is invited to attend Scott Moore (guy who is typing this) and Kate Locke's wedding also on Saturday, May 12 at 2:00 pm at Georgetown Alliance Church. Click on the thumbnail on the right for a map.
: ***IMPORTANT*** On this Tuesday night at 7:30 pm (and the following one) at Spring Garden, we will be gathering together for a time of prayer. The TILT and Spring Garden communities have many pockets of prayer happening, but it is important that we pray as one voice together to God, listening to Him and responding to Him as a whole body. So, come! Gene is also offering people a book to use for praying through this time - for fresh encounters with God and for revival - not "more numbers" revival, but more "God being revealed" revival.