Saturday, August 18, 2007

We are home....

Sorry for the lack of updates on the last two nights - time was limited and energy virtually nil for web updates on dial-up...we are now back in Toronto, and all of us are definitely changed by this experience. God has broken our hearts not only for the people of Moose Deer Point but also for all of the lost - as Jesus wept for Jerusalem when he journeyed to the cross, we too, weep. But we are thankful for the hope in Jesus' Resurrection!

Thursday and Friday were both challenging days. By Friday, I think we were seeing what was "normal" behaviour on the reserve - meaning the kids were no longer as respectful, etc. In one-on-one situations, these kids are all precious, but as a larger group, destructive behaviour brews--learned patterns and cycles from their community relationships. It was challenging! On Friday, one of the tougher kids decided to come for the day - as Greg had been praying, this was but a glimpse of the true spiritual warfare that is happening every day in this place. This one addition to the group completely changed the dynamics and showed us just how dependent upon God we are, and how much God is fighting for all those beautiful moments we had throughout the week.

Thursday night baseball was fun, and pretty low-key, which was probably a good thing. Congrats to Barb on her first softball game and her stellar play from behind home plate! A bunch of the older youth showed up and we were able to interact a bit with them, although perhaps not as much as desired (they ended up at one table and us at another eating hot dogs after the game...).

We had a very intense time last night as we shared with each other from the week and spent the bulk of our time in prayer. Tears were flowing in abundance! We do not want this to be a one week relationship, but we also have to entrust these people to God because it is only He who can do a good work there. There are also Christians on the reserve who need prayer and encouragement, and of course the DayStar ministry as well, under whose umbrella we were operating.

We look forward to sharing more in person! You can few some of the initial photos in this photo album. It includes the "passport" labels of where we travelled each day!

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